Jonah - Chuck Smith
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Sermon on Jonah 3:5
I. "SO THE MEN OF NINEVEH BELIEVED GOD." THIS CERTAINLY MUST BE A MIRACLE OF GRACE.A. Look at the minister.1. He hated his calling.a. The whole first part of the story deals with how he sought to escape from the call of God.b. He was determined not to go.c. To get as far away from the call of God as possible.d. He asked to be thrown into the sea. He felt that it was better to drown ...
I. "THEN JONAH PRAYED."A. When? Vs. 1:17.1. The stubbornness of Jonah.a. Determined to sit it out.2. Vs. 7 - "When my soul fainted within me."a. Gave up hope of anything else.b. Ready to pass out.c. God brought him to place of surrender.d. The more stubborn you are, the harder it is on you.e. What is it going to take to bring you to your knees?B. Why did he pray?1. Vs. 2 "I cried by...
"LYING VANITIES"I. WHAT ARE SOME OF THE LYING VANITIES MEN OBSERVE?A. With Jonah, he thought he could run away from the call of God.1. Tarshish the last outpost of the then known world.2. Opposite direction from Nineveh.3. You can't run from God.B. Happiness can be discovered by direct pursuit.1. If I just had that.2. If I could just live there.3. If I could only do that.4. We see m...
I. WHEN MY SOUL FAINTED WITHIN ME.A. I remembered the Lord.1. Up to this time he purposely:a. Drove Him from mind.b. Hiked 40 miles.c. Slept in storm.d. Disregarded sailor's prayers.B. My prayer came unto Thee.1. Many people wait until no other avenues of escape to pray.a. God in love lets them get there.b. He does not deliver beforehand.1. Refining silver.2. Deliverance any sooner ...
"LEARNING AN EASY LESSON THE HARD WAY"I. THE CALL OF GOD, "ARISE, GO TO NINEVEH."A. Nineveh, the capitol of Assyria.1. The Assyrians were becoming a powerful empire.a. They were a threat to Israel.b. They were very cruel.B. Jonah thought if God destroyed Nineveh, nothing would please him more.1. He reasoned, "God is so merciful."a. If I go preach they might repent.b. If they repent,...
I. THE LYING VANITIES.A. He thought he could run from God.1. He ran to Joppa.a. Opposite direction from where God had called him.2. He caught a ship to Tarshish.a. God followed him on the sea and sent a great storm.3. He asked to be tossed overboard.a. He thought he could escape God by drowning.b. But God sent a great fish.4. He sat for three days in the fish waiting to die.a. It wa...
"LEARNING AN EASY LESSON THE HARD WAY"Intro: Jonah is a little book that has created big problems for people with little faith. Many have had a hard time swallowing this little book. I suppose if it said a trident sub surfaced, took him on board, then submerged and returned him in three days to port, you would have no problem. Your biggest problem is your God is too small. Salvation...
I. THE AUTHENTICITY OF THE STORY.A. Bible critics have had a field day with the book of Jonah. They claim the story is too hard to swallow.1. They speak of the impossibility of a man being swallowed by a whale and surviving.a. The story here declares that God prepared a great fish. Not necessarily a whale.b. Do you believe that man is able to make a fish like object in which over 10...
"WHO CAN TELL"I. WELL MIGHT THEY RISE IN JUDGMENT.A. Only had one warning.1. "He being often reproved."B. Only heard one prophet.1. Thousands of ministers.C. Only heard one monotonous message.1. Message of destruction.2. No hope presented in message.3. Nothing mentioned about repentance.4. No promises even if they did repent. Today message of love full of promises to the repentant.I...

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