29Are not two little sparrows sold for a penny? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father's leave (consent)
and notice.
30But even the very hairs of your
head are all numbered.
31Fear not, then; you are of more
value than many sparrows.
I was watching an episode of Father Knows Best called The Sparrow
in the Window. In the episode was a reference to God as the Creator of all things, the ultimate Healer, prayer as the
way of having a personal relationship with God and the term "Fallen Sparrow", which made me think of the above Bible verse.
After watching the episode, it was apparent how the culture has shifted
since the 1950s.
Another good episode is Thanksgiving. It is a nice, entertaining story with a very nice ending.
Click here to watch THANKSGIVING
The CHRISTMAS STORY episode starts out with a good story. It seems to stop short of telling
the TRUE meaning of Christmas however, there are some vague references to it, such as "have you forgotten everything you learned
in Sunday School?"
The story looks like it is heading in a "fairy tale" type plot, but it has a realistic twist
at the end.
Click here to watch the CHRISTMAS episode
The CLOSE DECISION episode is a good story about integrity.
Click here to watch THE CLOSE DECISION